
TrashJaely's Resourcepacks

Level: 1





Resourcepacks (6)
Nightmare - GUI Texturepack
1 Rezension

Hüllt dein GUI und dein Menü in mystisches Lila. Plus ein paar weitere extra Features. Youtube...

Purple South 1.14
1 Rezension

It's just a purple hotbar.

TJ V1 - Light
1 Rezension

This texturepack is for Version 1.16. I edit the gui, menu, some items and more. This is a lig...


Just again a grey hotbar with inventory inclusive. You can also use a sword, sky or whatever t...

Dimension-T23 [1.14]
2 Rezensionen

Made for Version 1.14! Optimised for Skywars, Bedwars and other pvp games. [The Hotbar is from...

High Live EJ 1.16

I take 2 days for this, I hope you enjoy it, please give a feedback.

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