

Über mich

r0dlaw, 20 y/o playing minecraft pvp since the 1.6.4 or something, and started grinding hivesg with the 1.7.10, people might remember me from back in the day!

Beigetreten am 17.10.2022


Resourcepack (1)
Follower (0)

And btw, let me know if you all want larger swords, i might do another version of it with bigger sword!

Hey you all :D, this resource pack took me about 1 week to finish it, I definitely love what I created here, and I myself am using it 24/7 maybe you will be part of the 24/7 BlueW pack gang too, I would appreciate you guys so much if you give my pack a shot. its truly mech boosting!!! (I will upload a YouTube review and Screenshots in the near future too, so you can take a look at it before downloading, those guys who did it before, love ya'll) IGN: r0dlaw