

Über mich

Hello, i am known as _iTzAsh on here, but my minecraft ign is AshiroKun. Please enjoy my packs, i only work on them usually for PVP and not just fun. I specialised in many ways but focus on FPS packs since i make these packs custom for friends. Please enjoy what i make! and give me advice <3

Beigetreten am 02.02.2017

Resourcepacks (8)
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ElixZ version: 2.0
6 years ago

This is the second part version of the pack! Changed!

ElixZ. A new texture pack generated by me. Infinite and Defscape block/item used for maximum performance. 16x. FPS BOOST PACK. Good for easy pvp. Enjoyable and feels comfortable. A mixture of blocks for building aswell.

This is an addon to any pack you desire, this pack contain various music, some copyrighted and some non-copyrighted that changes the records in your pack to the music in this pack. please add this pack on the top layer of the resource pack above your pack so it only affects the music. Make sure to do that for it to work. This pack is made for BlueFlux PVP pack, Please check it out!

This is an addon to any pack you desire, this pack contain various music, some copyrighted and some non-copyrighted that changes the records in your pack to the music in this pack. please add this pack on the top layer of the resource pack above your pack so it only affects the music. Make sure to do that for it to work. This pack is made for BlueFlux PVP pack, Please check it out!