Über mich

Beigetreten am 02.07.2022

Resourcepacks (3)
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Good PVP pack 16X16, but block and GUI is in 32X32. i don't know why but when you have the pack, take the file "PVP pack RLDYX" and put in the file "ressourcepack" in minecraft , to make it work. thinks you for duwnload and have good time !

Good PVP pack 16X16, but block and GUI is in 32X32. idk why but when you have the pack, delet the file resourcepack24, to make it work. ty for duwnload and have good time !

Good PVP pack 16X16, but block and GUI is in 32X32. idk why but when you have the pack, delet the file resourcepack24, to make it work. ty for duwnload and have good time !