

Über mich

Beigetreten am 26.09.2016

Resourcepacks (3)
Follower (1)
6 years ago

Lime32x is a green themed faithful edit. I originally created this pack about 2 years ago but now it got completely reworked. It Contains custom Weapons and Tools, Armor, Food, GUI, and various other Items in a 32 by 32 resolution. I also edited some of the blocks such as the Ores. The whole world appears to be more saturated than usual.

6 years ago

I am proud to release my 2nd ressourcepack: - Nightsky512x is a violett themed ressourcepack. - It contains almost 100% custom items with a 512x or 256x resolution. - The blocks are based around the new Minecraft 16x blocks - It also contains an array of custom blocks - It is capabal for almost any gamemode - I have put 50+ hours of work in this pack and im looking forward to receive your feedback

7 years ago

A texrure pack based on the 64x 64 faithful pack. Its almost complete desaturated, what gives it a unique look. The sword and bow textures are in a 256x 256 resolution All ores are higlighted. Custom made hotbar and Icons.