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Beigetreten am 24.09.2016

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InFinite 2.0
6 years ago

A well rounded revamp of the InFinite pack. Features redone blocks, items, etc. Additions of new items were also added. Please credit budderunner if you make any edits or what not.

True, by hand rescale of Shant V4 by budderunner. Check out the review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td_F75xGGiM Follow my on twitter for more: https://twitter.com/budderunner

A very nice, almost completely custom 128x pack with a slight vanilla feel. PvP Pack was based on Faithful 64x. All items were custom made or are Faithful. Video Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LYG0Xo90Pw